Competent Support
Our customers are supported in all phases of their project planning and implementation by competent specialists and consultants.
Planning, Installation & Service
Our experienced sales team with extensive technical expertise supports our customers and the planner in the profitability analysis, the project-specific design and selection of the perfect smartblock. In addition our staff will provide support in all issues concerning the technical integration, the required applications for authority permits, and the handling of all formalities.
Installing the smartblock in the actual heating room is easy due to its compact construction, the stable exhaust gas muffler module can be easily connected to the exhaust line, and the small control cabinet is quickly installed and connected and plugged into the CHP using the pre-configured cable harness.
External devices can be easily connected using confectioned cables. Connecting the gas line is safe and easy with the pre-assembled gas supply module. And the smartblock is quickly connected to the heating system using the flexible armoured hoses.
The commissioning and first start-up of the CHP is carried out either by KW Energie technicians or by those of a partner company. First the execution of the installation is checked, then the required operating mode is set and the power control adjusted. Also, during a trial run some of the safety functions are checked. Because every smartblock is inspected and tested extensively at the factory, only some elementary and basic safety functions need to be checked, such as the grid monitor and emergency stop chain. Finally, the customer or operator is given extensive instructioons on the operation of the smartblock.